Expansion No. 12
- Prepare asparagus quiche 8
- Plans get \ ‘s expansion
- Get a lot of coins
Expansion No. 13
- Prepare 10 painsà barley
- To get 10 fake friends
- Get a lot of coins
Expansion No. 14
- 8 Prepare squash soup
- Get toolkits blue with your friends
- Get a lot of coins
Late hatching
- Place 1 table florist in your farm to help you Help Walter
- 5 actions performed on the farm of Walter to see what their problems
- Blueberry harvest 15 plots to show the correct method to Walter
Flowers language
- Recovers 5 pairs of scissors to pick flowers for beautiful specimens
- Harvest 20 plots of dark thoughts to see if they like Barbara
- Prepare 3 bunches dark thoughts that will Barbara Walter
Orange, O despair
- 3 orange harvest to begin
- Take care of five adult goats milk because it takes with cupcakes
- 3 Prepare the orange cupcakes for Barbara
Fresh attraction
- Recovers 5 baskets of flowers for an aesthetic effect
- Harvest 3 lemons for lemon acid
- Prepare four pitchers of lemonade to tourists visiting
A small glass
- Ends of the table florist in your farm
- Harvest 20 plots of strawberries to give this lemonade punch
- 5 Prepare the strawberry lemonades for Barbara
Color, that’s life
- Blueberry harvest 15 plots to win a special award
- Take care of 4 adult rabbits
- Factory 4 blue handkerchiefs for Walter
Sign of affection
- Recovers 5 card holder to offer a bouquet Barbara
- Interviews 2 times the shack chickens for eggs
- 20 harvest sunflowers to make a bouquet
A perfect union
- Take care of five adult goats for milk
- Look after winning eight hens
- Prepare 3 tarts with goat cheese for Walter and Barbara
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